Preliminary task evaluations

My favourite three preliminary task that shined out for me were

1. Celestial
This was one of my favourite preliminary task because of several reasons. One of these reasons is because of the instant impact of its genre as it immediately lets the audience aware of what style of film they are watching as it used not only a great audio track but an equally eerie location (cemetery) as well as this the excellent use of editing in the opening shot engaged the audience instantly because of its horror movie roots. The movie also stayed in keeping with the brief using match on action and 180 degree rule as well as having no continuity problems.

2. Time Out
I enjoyed this task as it had a well dubbed version of all the songs used and had a good sense of comic timing to it, as well as this the film did not have a problem with any continuity. The film did have a problem with the 180 degree rule but since it is a musical it would have had a difficult task in doing so and coped and worked very well without it.

3. Fug Lyfe
This was also one of my favourite films because of its clever use of comedy especially its use of deadpan and satire comedy choices; the film captures the comedy genre almost immediately and conforms very well to its genre as well having no problems with continuity and had very clear and humorous dialogue that was in keeping with its comedy style. Also the use of camera angles are cleverly used as they piece together very well and the editing sows it together very nicely .