Mise En Scene

Forest Gump
Mise En Scene

Setting- Daytime, city centre, bus stop
Costume- the characters costume is a everyday outfit for a man his age with extremely worn out and muddy shoes.
Facial Expression- The characters face and body language show him having a blank expression with a slight showing of confusion and he had a straight and up right body posture.
Lighting- The lighting is very bright and colourfully making the audience alert

Sound effects

The audio track used in this scene where all calm and relaxing pieces of music using light piano sounds to sooth the audience.
The film also Incorporated busy town like noises such as car and bus engines running along with the sound of several pedestrians feet to capture the realism of the scene.

Camera angles and shots

The camera angles used were mostly tilting and panning shots that started from a high angle shot of the city.
The camera angle used on the character was a medium shot of their feet
The camera then tilted up to a close up shot of the actor.


There is no particular editing in this opening scene as it is all one long continuos scene.
The only transition used is when the buss arrives this transition cuts quickly and cleanly as it makes a seamless cut from shot to shot

The Thing
Mise En Scene

Setting- Outer space, anatatica, winter like atomsosphere, USA national research facility
Costume- Winter outfits, large coat, goggles
Facial Expression- The characters facial expression is unkown because of the actors facing being coverd by the masks he wears
Lighting- The light used is bright due to the snowy landscape

Sound effects- the sequence uses the audio effects of;
-Helicopter blade nosies effect ,
-Wolf nosies,
-UFO engine roar,
-Gun shot nosies

Camrea angels and shots

-The scene uses a wide shot to take in the visual of a flying UFO as well as the helicopters entrance
-The title sequence also tracks the wolf being chased by the helicopter along with the camrea tracking the chopper.
-They also use a medium shot to take in the actor leaning out of the choppers window
-They also use a close up of the actors face while he is shoting
-The sequence uses a long shot so the audience can see the massive surronding the movie is set in


-The films transictions are well pieces together allowing for a fast pass opening scen which allows for an instant thrill for the audience. for example from the helicopter when the actor is shoting to when the wolf is evading the incomin bullets
-It also uses a black fade transictiong for the entrance for the helicopter so it sepreates the new scene from the scene the UFO was introduced in.

The Prestige
Mise En Scene

Setting- A sparse forrset with many hats, a utilty room, an opera like stage and playhouse and below the stage that appers to be a basement
Costume- casual turn of the century clothes, expensive suit, burlesque style outfit
Facial Expression- The actors faces convay; terror, happiness, curisosity and confusion
Lighting- The sequence uses many diffrent kinds of lighting as it starts with a natural settign in the forset which gives a morning stlye brightness to the scene. Another use of lighting is the dark and dim lighting that is used when under the stage with only a few strands of electrical lighting shining through the floorboards

Sound effects;

-Sound of birds cherping
-tesla coils buzzing
-water bubbling and splashing
-operatic audio track

Camrea shots

The sequence uses;

-Panning shoot of the woods
-Close up of the birdcages
-Medium shot of the actor on stage
-Close up of the actor underneath the stage
-Wide shot of the actor entreing the stage


The editing in the sequence uses slow transitions to build up tension, it also plays on these transitions to move between three diffrenet scenes to allow the story to gradually move along.

It also uses quick transitions to help quickly build the mystery in the secquence as it shifts from varying puzzling shots until the climax of the sequence happens