Art of the title

What is the definition of a Title Sequence?
A title sequence is when films and television shows present their title and cast members using visuals and sounds.

What is the function of a Title Sequence?
The title sequence is to identify the movies title is as well as the distribution and production company

Name three films featured in the A Brief History of the Art of the Title Sequence?
Star Wars, Pink Panther and Psycho

Select a film Title Sequence shown in the A Brief History of the Art of the Title Sequence and discuss how the Title Sequence uses;

Name of chosen Film Title Sequence; The Pink Panther
Typography Elements (text); The text used is a comical style which suits the tone of the movie as well as the colour that clearly links to the title.
Visual Imagery/Sound Elements and what kind of mood/feeling is created as a result? The title sequence uses a comic style intro to immediately give the audience a sense of comedy
Use of Typography Elements (text): The text helps to inform the audience of the cast and production company in the movie
Use of Visual Imagery/Sound Elements: Mood/feeling: the sequence gives a slapstick style of comedy as its opening to give the audience a happy and relaxed mood while it also gives an air of mystery by the use of its sound track.

What does the use of Typography Elements (text), Visual Imagery/Sound Elements in the chosen film Title Sequence suggest about the theme/content of the film?
The elements in the sequence all link to a comedy theme as the visual effects and musical are both link to a slapstick style of comedy and pair in well with how the rest of the movie plays out 

Select another film Title Sequence shown in the A Brief History of the Art of the Title Sequence and discuss how the Title Sequence uses;

Typography Elements (text); The text used is a bold font with a yellow colour
Visual Imagery/Sound Elements and what kind of mood/feeling is created as a result?
The visual effects give a science fiction feel to the sequence as the prologue was drifting through space  that reflect the motif of the movie. The sound effects give a tense feel to the audience because of its operatic tone that match's the film in some parts because of its intensity.
Name of chosen Film Title Sequence: Star Wars
Use of Typography Elements (text): Use of Visual Imagery/Sound Elements: Mood/feeling:
The text uses a bright yellow font that makes the audience alert of whats happening as well as this the use of sound gives the feel of entrige as it gives a very operatic feel to the title sequence with engages the audience.

What does the use of Typography Elements (text), Visual Imagery/Sound Elements in the chosen film Title Sequence suggest about the theme/content of the film?
The text gives the impression that the film will be filled with action as it makes the audience automatically alert; the use of music also gives off this impression because of its loud audio track.

What kind of nuance does Richard Morrison look for when creating a Title Sequence?
“I look for a nuance — a subliminal energy in a film — that I can then work into an idea.”

Title: Sweeney Todd
Use of Typography Elements (text): The Text used in the sequence are bold and mostly white and colourless expect when the main title came into shot in which case it was red and batched the blood red that occupied the rest of the sequence.
Use of Visual Imagery/Sound Elements: The sound used in this piece gives the sequence an eerie feel as it is very operatic and has sharp violin harmony's along with fast piano sounds that match the audiences heart rate when watching the sequence. The imagery uses the symbolism of blood to give it a dark and psychotic style that match's the rest of the movie.
Mood/feeling:The sequence gives a feeling of uncertainty and a sense of fear because of its combination of eerie music and visual effects of blood and machinery's e.g. blooded cogs

What does the use of Typography Elements (text), Visual Imagery/Sound Elements in the chosen film Title Sequence suggest about the theme/content of the film?
The use of red in the title gives the sense of upcoming danger in the movie and the opera style music might be related to the era the movie was based around.

What does Richard Morrison explain about the Film Title Sequence?
'What I enjoyed most was coming up with the whole idea. I turned this project into an internal pitch. And so, a few days later, I had a room full of some truly outstanding creative work.And then he just said: I really like this narrative piece (mine) and those coloured frames (Shay Hamias, director).
Animating blood and its movement became the most crucial and challenging element of the sequence. We had to build special platforms within which we imitated blood movement and filmed it. And we had to give it this comical feel, which worked really well.'

Does Richard Morrison feel the Film Title Sequence was successful, why or why not?
Richard Morrison though the sequence was a success as he says 'And we had to give it this comical feel, which worked really well.' showing he found it as a success

What does the use of Typography Elements (text), Visual Imagery/Sound Elements in the chosen film Title Sequence suggest about the theme/content of the film? The text used is a large bold yellow coloured lettering that makes the audience alert when watching it and also links to the protagonists logo colours. The imagery used gives the film a Gothic feel as it shows what looks like dark and dingy caves. The sequence gives the rest of the movie a air of mystery as the uses of sound gives it an intriguing setting as well as the uncertain locations used.

What does Richard Morrison explain about the Film Title Sequence?
I knew it. I knew it had to be something about the classic Batman comic logo. I thought, ‘What if we think of that in a 360º move? How about if it’s in landscape? How about I make it something you can move around, so you don’t quite know what it is?’ So that was the idea and then I just invented the world around it.
Does Richard Morrison feel the Film Title Sequence was successful, why or why not?
Yes as he said 'Nobody did anything like it before so that’s why it probably retained its timeless feel.'