Evidence of how planned opening fits with research into codes/conventions, genre, audience

 The opening scene that we are filming will be a romantic comedy. This will be portrayed by the use of several romantic scenes that will be linked into a montage to be able to get all the significant shots we need into a short span of time. When we film these scenes we will also use a more hand held approach with the cameras opposed to static shots to allow for a more personal and up close experience with the characters.

Our opening scene will convey the conventions of the romantic comedy genre by:
-Using two main characters (Boy and Girl)
-Love song audio soundtrack
-Stereotypical love scenes (Hand holding in the beach)

The target market for our opening sequence will be 15/16 years old as it will appeal to their age as they can relate to the teenage character they are watching. Our film will be different though as unlike other romantic films the female character will have died this will give the opening scene a more emotional side to it than first appeared.

Some evidence to show how we have stuck with the conventions of or genre can be scene from a number of different movies that we took information from such  as:


This use of a montage is the kind we will adopt in our opening scene to show the relationship between the two main characters. As well as this the montage shows many romantic scenes our opening sequence will use such as hand holding and walks on the beach.