Opening sequence of American Psycho (Thriller)

The opening scene to American psycho describes the morning routine of the character Patrick Bateman he narrates his process of scrutinise daily work outs and facial care while he describes in detail each individual product he uses and for which reason, he says to the audience he thinks its important to keep himself in shape and to look healthy. The scene is set throughout the characters apartment and shows his rich and luxurious living conditions. The theme of the intro is his importance of looking good and keeping healthy to keep up the intention that he is normal. A main prop of the intro is a facial peel that helps to separate the audience with the character as he revels his true personality. The narrative is the characters voice describing his morning process and his own personality.The only character is Patrick Bateman going through his morning. The text used throughout the narrative is a relaxed and monotone speech which just talks about the products he uses daily and finally his true personality. The camera is mainly focused on the characters face and the different individual activities he does each morning.