
This is our final opening scene Luna



We have got lots of feedback on the rough cut version of our opening sequence, mainly positive.
Is it obviously an opening sequence? Is it clear who the target audience is?
Many people have said that the genre of 'Luna' is quite clear as well as the target audience. However, some people have mentioned that it looks like a music video or trailer which is not what we hoped for.
Titles go with genre. Is the genre obvious? Are they clear? Are there enough and are they in the right order?
Feedback on the titles was overall positive saying that the titles were clear, relevant, in good order and went with the genre, and people saw that it was a romantic drama. Only criticisms were that the titles were too simple and there weren't a lot of them and one person did not understand how the type writer style font went with the romantic drama genre.
Think about the sound and the images are they appropriate? Do they go together?
Many people were impressed with the sound and said it was appropriate, the music is good and shows the genre. Some people said that the voice over in the beginning was good, effective and created a mood to the sequence however some said that they thought it was too quiet and the music drowned the voice over out. A lot of the feedback said that they didn't like the reverse sound in the sequence.
Camera - are the shots appropriate and relevant? Is there controlled use of camera attention to framing, variety of shot distance and angle? Close attention use of mise en scene?
We were said to have good use and variety of camera shots, clever camera techniques and they liked that when both characters in the sequence were alone the setting was dark but when they were together it was light which we didn't actually notice ourselves and we have very good mise en scene. Someone suggested that we could have included a high shot.
Editing so that meaning is apparent to the viewer and making selextive and appropriate use of shot transitions and other effects.
Lots of the feedback was positive regarding the editing saying it was good and relevant and our opening had smooth transitions. However, a lot of people mentioned that they did not get the idea of the rewind part of our sequence, and said that because it blacked out before it rewinds it stopped the scene from flowing.
Total score and any other comments
Lowest score: 36
Highest score: 58
It has been said to be convincing that the couple in our opening sequence are truly in love due to their brilliant acting, cute, voice over is effective, confused about the link to the title needs more enigma codes, unsure about rewind and it has been cited as one of the favourites out of all the opening sequences.

Production Evidence

This photo shows our group working out the responsibilities of the other members and figuring out which pitch we will chose to film for our opening sequence.

This photo shows Dom and Jonathan working on the computers. One is researching narrative voice- overs in films while the other is searching for a useful soundtrack for the film.  

In this shot we can see Jonathan looking for useful locations to film for our opening sequences.

This photo shows Jonathan and Zahra working out a shot list for our opening sequence and a script for our narration.

This shot shows Dom working on the safety assessment for the filming of the opening sequence and Ellie working on the various mood-boards for our pitch and the titles research needed.

This photo shows Jonathan editing the footage we captured for our opening sequence.

This picture shows Ellie editing the Audience interviews we recorded for our films evidence to place on our blogs.

This photo shows Zahra recording Jonathan while he is acting in our opening sequence.

This shot shows Zahra and Dom working on the storyboard and the timeline for the film.


Here is the timeline for our openings sequences which we will follow when we film.

Task Assessment Analysis

I would give this a 54.
I gave this short film a score of 50 as it demonstrated a wide use of camera shot e.g. over the shoulder medium, long short and close ups. It also used a good use of camera angles and used props well and in the correct places. The film also has a great enigma code as it leaves a good cliffhanger at the end of the film.
I would be better if they had used titles to show who is in the film and showed who the distributor and producer was.

Romantic Comedy Title Analysis

This opening sequence from 'Submarine' demonstrates the kind of titles that we might demonstrate such as bright white bold font to make a instant statement to the audience. We will also copy this movies immediate introduction where they show their distributor and producer to let the audience know who was involved in the film. The blue background that is showed alongside the bold white text keeps the reader alert conflicting with the relaxed panning shots of the actual film.